Our Blog
How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears
Let's talk about proper ear care. Have you rubbed your dog’s ears today? Sure you have. It’s one of those things that we do almost mindlessly, relishing their velvety softness and our dogs’ groans of pleasure. But did you know that rubbing your dog’s ears is also a...
3 Ideas for Ongoing Training
Ongoing training is a great way to engage your pet. Learning new skills can help your furry friend remain mentally stimulated, alleviate problem behaviors, and banish boredom. The team here at Animal Care Center of Pahrump wants to share three ideas. #1: Enroll your...
Steps for Cooling Your Pet During a Heat Exhaustion Episode
Heat exhaustion in pets can come on unexpectedly. Seemingly fine one moment, your beloved pet appears to overheat all of a sudden and collapse. If that happens, follow these steps for safely helping your furry companion cool down. Step 1: Bring your pet indoors into...
Our 3 Tips for Helping Your Pet Beat the Heat
Summertime is certainly a toasty time here in Pahrump, Nevada. If it's hot for us humans, imagine wearing a fur coat all the time! Here are our top three tips for helping your pet stay cool and safe. #1: Freeze treats for your pet Does your pup look longingly at your...